“So what do you think is holding you back?” My manager asks me in my review. When you know something inside is stopping you but you can’t explain who, what or why. I could delve deep into my psyche with a little help from Freud and my fear of rejection or perhaps invest a large part of my salary in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and erase that emotional hanger that holds me back or even NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) where I could completely reprogram my character by tapping into my meridian lines and changing all that make me….
I can save my money, give Freud a generously long tea-break and write about it in order to help others – so here goes!
When I have to pick up that ringing phone I have no issue. I love helping people, whether they have a query or a complex issue to resolve. I can be as chatty as I feel the situation and recipient allows or as professional and problem-solving as needed, but there is something about having to do sales calls I find daunting.
My issue with sales calls derives from two key contributing factors – fear of rejection and rude people. When some people say ‘no’, they say it in a ‘nice’ way which matches my character ‘requirements’ as I like people to be nice! But every now and then you contact a disgruntled individual who is not shy in expressing their opinion on the purpose of your call to them – and that’s hard to not take personally! Perhaps you think I shouldn’t but, whatever your thoughts, if you can relate to my sales calls issue in any way then here is why you need to change and how.
It will limit your professional and person growth – This is where I explain my title for this blog. Friends, as I’m sure many of you know, was arguably one of the most famous TV shows in the 90s and the ‘noughties’. One particular episode saw Phoebe land a job in telesales. She is given a script and told to make calls selling toner. She stumbles upon a depressed man who says he doesn’t need the toner she is selling because he goes highly unnoticed at work – his colleagues don’t even care to acknowledge his presence and he has no friends so he’s going to kill himself. Far-fetched example? Yes, Perhaps, but here is why I chose it. If you don’t address your lack of confidence issue, you will not make a positive impact at work.
Your efforts will go unnoticed, your poor KPIs will not enable you to climb the ladder within your current company or any other, your colleagues will either fail to hit their team target or they will have to work harder because of you and thus, you become the guy who doesn’t need the toner! A frustrated you will go home and grace your unsuspecting loved ones with a mood derived from your daily misfortunes.
We are at work for typically more hours than we are with our family or friends so feeling frustrated and negative can have a personal impact not just on you but on those around you and this negativity will inevitably seep through to personal life. The human mind is (contradicting-ly) fragile yet strong when used correctly, so let’s see how we can use it?
Swallow your pride and ask for help!
"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'what's in it for me?'" - Brian Tracy
Use the support available to you because a truly successful person enjoys nothing more than imparting their ‘years in the industry’ wisdom and can inspire you in true ‘proud parent’ style. But let’s face it, sales is a highly competitive ‘sport’ and so utilise contacts you can make through social media because, believe me, I have seen it work extremely well for others.
Observe – Buy don’t sell
Do more listening and observing than talking. See how your colleagues do it. What do they say? How do they say it? With what do they respond when handling that dreaded ‘no’? What could they have said or don’t better? How can you apply the dos and don’ts you’ve taken just from observing them? Learn from others’ trials and errors. After all, you won’t have to end up making your own mistakes and will pick up some invaluable tips along the way.
Follow the five principles at what successful people do that American Express document on their Open Forum:
Utilise self-help techniques and professional theories:
Now, Carpé Diem, grab that phone, close that deal and make your dreams come true! I know I am and I might be your next call…..
If you are looking for a career in sales why not call me, Yasmine Saadeh today to discuss current and upcoming job opportunities on 01753 290260.