It’s that wonderful time of the year when almost everyone around you is setting New Year’s resolutions to get fit, get healthy, lose weight, stop smoking…blah blah blah! Chances are it is nothing we haven’t all tried before let’s be honest! The party season and holidays normally mean healthy eating and no drinking go out the window! Let’s face it we often follow the status quo “everyone else is doing it, so shouldn’t I?” So, what’s the point in setting goals? Do New Year’s resolutions really work? Or do we continuously just set ourselves up to fail?
Personally, I have not been an advocate. Maybe it is due to a fear of failure, maybe I am a realist, whatever the reason and one thing I do know is that they haven’t worked for me! Personally, I prefer to set myself goals throughout the year that I continually work towards and review, (perhaps a mere excuse to allow me to keep moving the goal posts?!) but enough self- analysis, whatever your thoughts on resolutions, or the approach you choose to take, there is no doubt that a positive mind set and consciously and continually working towards achieving your goals, is more likely to result in success as opposed to plodding along and waiting for things to happen by chance.
This year, we decided to join the crowd and share with you all our company resolutions:
- Raising our brand – We pride ourselves as being ‘people in a people business”. So we aim to raise awareness with both our clients and candidates about something we believe we do well
- Engagement with clients and candidates –Having recently launched a new website and ‘upped our game’ on the social media platforms, we would like to use these tools to engage with the people that matter (yes that’s you)!
- Raising the profile of our candidates – Well they are pretty amazing! We value our candidates believing there is a place for everyone, or in the words of one of our senior consultants, Dana, ‘it takes all sorts to make the world go round’ (she loves a saying). We are proud to have so much talent so we will work hard to give that talent the exposure it deserves
- Promote our referral scheme – Great people know great people! So why not earn some money just by telling us about them? We have a fantastic referral scheme so will be concentrating on promoting it this year
- Industry recognition – Last year we were awarded with the Gold award for the best in recruitment London, how amazing is that?! But we haven't been shouting about it and that is going to change
- Expanding our business – The biggie – Open a new branch! Exciting times ahead as the business is growing so we are all pushing ourselves that little bit further (and closer to the edge for some) towards establishing a new branch so we can provide the great service to a wider client and candidate base
Phew! A lot to do but there are exciting times ahead in 2015. We will revisit our resolutions throughout the year (we kind of have to now that we made them public). So I will end with a few tips on the best way to achieve your goals:
- Make goals specific with a structured approach towards achieving them. Vague goals such a ‘I want to lose weight’ without a real plan about how you will lose it, how much you plan to lose and by when are unlikely to achieve results
- Goals should be realistic and achievable – changing the world or your life will not happen overnight. Think about what you have managed to achieve in the past when thinking about what you would like to achieve now.
- Base the goals around systems and planning – Break down the steps towards achieving them, by month – week – day – even by hour if that’s what it takes!
People who successfully achieve their goals are not gifted with some hidden super power that allows them to be successful – it is a matter of taking the correct approach.
So how about you? Do you make resolutions? What are they? Is a new job part of the plan? We would love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to Harj@uxbridge-employment.co.uk and we will happily publish your thoughts, suggestions and resolutions to our FB and Twitter pages (see we are engaging)!
Happy New Year from all at UEA!