So here it is Valentine’s Day! The big VD ……….. (Doesn’t sound so great abbreviated like that!!!) – Why is it that so many people love it or hate it? Does it depend on your current relationship status? Is it just some of us are hopeless romantics and others of us are cynical? Whatever your response it is something you can’t get away from as its everywhere!
I have to admit this year I’m well and truly going for it as I’ve met someone who has become my true partner in what has developed into a relationship of equals (much needed for independent me!!!). I guess it’s about being in a partnership with both parties happily immersing themselves in a journey whose destination is unknown but which has all the promise of being a hugely exciting roller-coaster lasting many, many years and thus have happily concluded that, in my case, 2 is infinitely better than 1!!!!
So, it is with buzz of electricity that comes from the chemistry of being in exactly this right place at this right time that I wish you and whoever you partner (or not, as the case may be) – a happy Valentine’s Day which, to me, is not about the sloppy sentimentality of another hyped-up, sales-driven day but actually celebrates that most meaningful of individual human feelings that has the power of poetry behind it ............... lurv!!!!! Okay! Okay! Enough already of the sloppy stuff!!!)
But why talk about this in our recruitment blog I hear you ask? Well maybe it’s all about what I spend every working minute of my busy day doing and that is finding the perfect match – person for position, position for person and never forgetting it’s a people thing and I just love what I do to pieces – way to go eh????"
But sometimes this is not an easy process! How do you pinpoint that all important chemistry that sparks the perfect reaction from client and candidate? Well for me its starts with remembering that everyone is an individual! One-size recruitment does not fit all – but rather it’s about getting to know our clients and candidates and the inner workings of the role, the client and the aspirations of our candidates – here in lies the ability to make the perfect match! And to us at Uxbridge Employment, this is one of our core values and we believe it truly makes our job more rewarding and is what we believe makes us stand out!
If you are looking therefore to work with an agency that places you our client, our candidate at the heart of everything we do and to really feel like you are treated like an individual then come and work with us and I am confident that it will be a rewarding partnership you’ll be happy to gush about!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Lauren Tuthill