Women have come a long way since being the angel of the home and having no right to vote. So many courageous women have fought for women’s equality and this month is a celebration of women and the amazing things they have managed to achieve against the odds. The struggle for equality has seen so much progression for women in terms of their civil liberty and particularly in the workplace with a record employment rate of women in the UK workplace at 68.5% which equates to 14.5 million women in work (Public Policy Exchange 2015).
In the midst of completing my undergraduate dissertation in this particular subject, it has given me a greater insight into the world of work and the struggles that women still face. So what are the main concerns that still affect women in the workplace?
So here are a few tips to ensure you make time for yourself:
If you are looking for a role that offers more work-life balance then please send your CV through to Lizpenemo@uxbridge-employment.co.uk for our Uxbridge branch or contact Our Windsor team lauren@windsor-employment.co.uk or alternatively, give us a call on Uxbridge 01895 520700 or Windsor 01753 290260!